Exciting Stocks For 2020

Exciting Stocks For 2020

As we near the end of the decade, I take a look at some really extraordinary stock performances. What can we learn from them? And what stocks might have a good chance at outperforming in 2020?

I talk about the criteria I think are key to stocks that will outperform the market. I also talk about four stocks that I’ve been eyeing this week which meet some of these criteria.

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Are we heading for more stock market all-time-highs?

Are we heading for more stock market all-time-highs?

No one REALLY knows what’s going to happen in the stock market, however, we do have the ability to read emotions in price to help guide us.

Last week, I was showing you the possibilities of both sides of possible market action.

You’ll see this week that we have a lot more clarity in price and where we might be heading from here.

In today’s video, I walkthrough:

  • Why I think price is very bullish here
  • What areas we could see price run into
  • What types of chart indicators that I use

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How I’m Reading The Stock Market Right Now

How I’m Reading The Stock Market Right Now

It’s been a very interesting year in the stock market as we went from recession fears to all-time-highs.

I wanted to dive into some technical analysis and show you what I’m seeing in the price action right now.

In today’s video, I walkthrough:

  • How price behavior compares to this time last year
  • Why we might be seeing the current bullish run
  • What I’m watching for in the price action in the coming few trading sessions

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What’s Next For Stocks?

What’s Next For Stocks?

As we near the end of Q3 earnings reporting season and get closer to the end of calendar 2019, I wanted to reflect on some current trends in the stock market. While it’s been a choppy year at times, the S&P 500 is now once again at all-time highs. That begs the question, how should we think about the prospect of strong returns in 2020? 

I talk about my plan for stocks going into 2020, as well as some specific stocks that I am digging into after major Q3 earnings news. 

In today’s video, I walk through:

  • How 2019 compares to past years in the stock market
  • Which sectors are seeing the best & worst earnings growth
  • How expensive the stock market looks compared to recent history
  • Specific stocks that have been outperforming in my portfolio
  • Stocks I’m looking into after big recent moves post-earnings
  • My general stock investing plan going forward 

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