Balancing Safe Bonds and Risky Stocks

Balancing Safe Bonds and Risky Stocks

One of the most important components of becoming a successful investor is learning about balancing your portfolio. With a balanced, well-diversified portfolio, you can be systematically protected against future sources of risk in a way that is otherwise impossible. Though balancing your portfolio will not guarantee that you earn a substantial return on your initial

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Can Cryptocurrencies Bring Advancement to Struggling Countries?

Can Cryptocurrencies Bring Advancement to Struggling Countries?

With everyone’s eyes on how cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and the others perform in the markets, many have missed the stir cryptos are creating in the developing world. People in developing nations struggle with fulfilling basic needs. Infrastructure is often incomplete. Systems of power are unstable. Security is lacking. Despite the instability, cryptocurrencies offer

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Understanding Cryptocurrencies, Tokens, and Coins

Understanding Cryptocurrencies, Tokens, and Coins

When you ask someone what a cryptocurrency is, the typical response you’ll hear is, “Bitcoin.” But is Bitcoin a token or a coin or both? Is there a difference between calling something a coin, a token, or a cryptocurrency? With all the jargon out there about cryptocurrencies, it can be overwhelming and confusing to understand

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Five Data Security Breaches Worth Learning From

Five Data Security Breaches Worth Learning From

Every day, billions upon billions of pieces of personal data fly across the Internet. We trust the companies we do business with, our governments, our utility companies, our employers, and our health care providers to govern our data religiously, keeping it safe from prying eyes and would-be cybercriminals. We like to believe it’s safe because

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