The Ultimate Guide to the Best Stock Day Trading Platforms

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Stock Day Trading Platforms

If you’ve never tried your hand at day trading, it’s probably nothing like what you imagine. The typical day trader isn’t tucked away in a back office chugging black coffee and sweating bullets while losing and making fortunes based on gut feelings and hot insider tips. Meanwhile, reality looks a lot more like someone who

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5 Tips For Becoming an Altcoin Trader

5 Tips For Becoming an Altcoin Trader

You’ve joined the wave of the cryptocurrency future and started to accumulate Bitcoin, now what?  You’ve got the wallet basics down, and now you’re content to sit on your digital nest egg and watch it swell with value as the months tick by. Or are you? Bitcoin is the granddaddy of the cryptocurrency scene, in

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The Five Laws for Trading Cryptocurrency

The Five Laws for Trading Cryptocurrency

Whether you’re looking into trading cryptocurrencies, you’ve just starting out, or you’ve been doing it for a while, it’s always good to know the basics to maximize your chances of successfully earning profit from trading cryptos.

Some of these things may seem like common sense, but when you look at the reasons behind those who fail, they do so because they deny these simple truths.

Here are the five laws for trading cryptocurrency:

7 Steps to Making Passive Income on AirBnB

7 Steps to Making Passive Income on AirBnB

Traditionally, the real estate market is seen as either veterans turf, or a playground for those who have more tolerance to risk – which in layman terms is someone who possesses a comfortable enough reserve to throw significant lump sums of cash into physical properties. They are simply buyers in a high-ticket market.

That being said, it’s important to remember that not all investors are created equal, and the strategies through which they execute their decisions to invest differ as well.